Medspa provides medical treatment, medical check-up and rehabilitation with the most prominent medical doctors in Bulgaria. Among the treatment areas we specialize in Bulgaria are: infertility - IVF with own and donor eggs, IUI, egg freezing, embryo freezing; enlarge prostate BPH laser treatment; respiratory and lung diseases; eye problems.
Infertility treatment
High success rate, short waiting time, treatment of women at advanced maternal age, overweight women, women with thin endometrium, cases of severe male factor, ...
Egg freezing
If you want to postpone motherhood, but keep your chances to easily have a healthy baby later in life, you can take advantage of egg freezing. It’s a wise ...
Enlarged prostate Thulium laser treatment
Thulium laser is considered one of the most successful and lowest risk solutions for enlarged prostate (BPH) treatment.
Respiratory / Lung diseases
If you suffer from chronic colds, if you have asthma, if you can get rid of pharingitis, sinusitis or rhinitis, if you breath with difficulty during sleep, if y ...
Contemporary diagnostics and treatment of all types of ophthalmic, neurological and psychiatric diseases.
Medical check-up
We provide high-quality medical check-up at affordable cost in a number of areas, among which respiratory and pulmonary diseases, optical and vision problems.
Weight loss
Staying slim is a hard goal for many people. Find out a pleasant way to achieve this.
Eye problems
Eye and vision problems